Tuesday 13 July 2010


Fighting parking tickets

As a follow up to my recent post about Armtrac and their dodgy ticketing practices, here's an article with some useful tips...

The sad fact is that the enormous amounts of issued parking tickets often result in various mistakes. For instance, the officer may write down a wrong plate number, not notice that the meter isn't expired, and so on. When people receive tickets that they should not have received, they may want to fight parking tickets.

If you have received your ticket due to that an officer thought that your meter expired, when it actually did not, you can fight it. First of all, there is no need for you to get angry. People make mistakes, and an officer might have simply not noticed the time, etc. The best way to proceed in this situation is to take pictures or a recording of the scene, which would show that the ticket was issued prior to the meter expiring. For instance, if you have your cell phone with you, you can record a close-up of the ticket, close-up of the meter, and a reputable time source (it might actually be a good idea to try to find as many sources of time as you can). If you go to court, it is very important that you have the evidence to prove your words.

It can also happen that you get a parking ticket for a violation that you did not actually commit. Such tickets are generally quite easy to fight, since most people can prove the mistake. For instance, if the ticket was issued in a city or a part of the city that you did not visit for years, you can prove that it is merely a mistake. In this case, you will need to call the municipal clerk's office, and you may actually have your ticket dismissed by phone.

If you know that you are not at fault, you can fight parking tickets and easily win.

For more tips click the following links. Whether you are fighting a traffic ticket or just need to get speeding ticket help you'll find additional helpful information

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