Monday 16 April 2007


I'm still here!

You'd be forgiven for thinking I'd disappeared, given up, or been abducted by aliens, but I'm still here!

The past couple of weeks have been totally hectic for me, and although I've not updated the blog I have had lots of ideas and have been working on projects behind the scenes. I'll post some of the ideas over the next few days but the main one I can't actually say too much about. What I can say is that I'll be taking part in a major national television program and filming starts next month. Unfortunately I can't say much more than that at the moment as I've signed a non-disclosure agreement and they are very keen on confidentiality. If things go well, the program could have high potential for a massive boost to my future income, but at the moment it's back to the grindstone with other projects.

The games I've been trying to sell on eBay haven't been producing the results I was hoping for. It seems the first sale was a fluke since that's the only one I managed to sell. After listing several more I've reached the conclusion that the way I'm listing them could be the problem. I've been reading a lot from Yanik Silver and Michael Rasmussen recently and I think that improving my 'sales pitch' in the auction, and raising the price (to increase the perception of value) could be the answer so I'll be trying that and posting the results in a week or so.

My book is also coming along nicely. I've found a company to print a short run for direct sales while I'm seeking out a publisher, and I'm confident of selling a reasonable number in that way. If I can keep focused I think I can finish the book within a month. I really need to because after mid-May things will be hectic for me again with my father's wedding, my little sister's baby due, both my older sister and mother visiting and I'll be going up to London filming... Basically if I don't get the book done and sent to the printers by 15th May it won't happen until well into June.

So there we go. I'm back, and I'll be filling you all in on my projects and new ideas over the next few days.

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